This message is from: Mike & Casey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi, my name's Casey, (female, don't you love androgynous names on the
'net?!) and I have a 3 yo Fjord gelding named Tyr.  Also have a 4 yo QH
named Justin, but I figure this is a Fjord place, so I'll not mention
him anymore!  We live in Northern Alabama, I think I've got the only
Fjord for miles around.   Everyone that sees him is impressed with the
coloring (Tyr's a brown dun) and his docility.

I'd seen a picture of a Fjord in a horse book I have, but wasn't
terribly impressed with the breed description, nor the appearance.  They
must have chosen the scrubbiest, ugliest Fjord on the face of the earth
to represent the breed.  When i saw them at Equitana in 97, I fell in
love, and really did some looking for one in my price range.

God blessed me in this endeavor, and Tyr came home last September.  He'd
not received much training in his first two years of life; I am
impressed with how calm and sedate he is.  He is a wonderful little guy
that I am going to get trained this fall.  I am looking forward to
finally getting to ride him.

I've tried to talk my non-horsey husband into getting a cart and harness
so we can go for a 'Sunday drive' together.  He just looks at me.  So,
no cart, no harness, no Sunday drives.  Yet!!  I really want to take
advantage of the versatility of the breed within my limitations.  I
don't jump, or do dressage, or actually much of anything beyond trail
ride, so I think driving is within my capability, as long as we both
learn how!

I'm looking forward to reading more about you all and your horses.  

A big THANK YOU to Ruthie Bushnell for steering me in this direction!  


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