This message is from: Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

In response to your question of how Fj should be dressed for dressage.
His appearance should adher to breed standard. In Fjords, my understanding
is that feathers should be left,  forelock should be natural, and the tail
free flowing with an option to bang it if you wish, but kept at full
length. Their muzzle hairs are left untrimmed, their ears can be trimmed,
but in general they should be left au natural. Their hooves should be clean
and buffed, but not polished or blackened. This is what a Fjord looks like
and it should be good enough in my opinion.

However, you will face predjudice (maybe not so much in pony compeitions
where you do not have those big elegant warmbloods) because Fjords are
unusual and many people (including judges) are not familiar with the breed
standard. So some people when showing in open competition do trim the
feathers, muzzle and ears. They blacken the hooves.They do not braid them
in any way. Tank has a heavy forelock also and sometimes I just tuck in
through  his bridle out of his face.

Agan, this is my understanding and I have asked this question myself. If I
am incorrect in any way, please anyone on the list, correct me. (am I
worried about this not happening?)

Cynthia Madden, Coordinator
Office of Sponsored Programs & Research
University of Nebraska at Omaha

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