This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

      Hello, from STILL SWEALTERING So. California. Summer is here with a
vengence! Rinsed off the beasties yesterday, in an attempt to make them
comfortable, and spent last evening grooming off 6 layers of dirt.... Must
have been a roll fest! Weanling, Gretel had so much caked dirt on her that
when I turned her out for her pre-weaning break from mom, she went flying off,
showering me and everyone else with mud balls! She has stopped the brat
attacks with the new yearling filly, Korina, because I turn them out together,
and don't allow Gretel access to her brothers and "uncle" Knute. While she
still wants to be the only princess being fauned over and have ALL the
attention, she has decided to allow another soul in her world. Instead, she
has turned all of her fury onto the neihbors horses who always wander up to
see the show when miss priss is turned loose. She races to the corner where
she can get her head over the fence, and rips off all their fly masks. Then
she bolts at least 3 full circles around my arena, with the mask /trophey
hanging out of her  mouth. Finely, she turns her very cute bottom in their
faces and fires off several kicks backwords, missing them ( and any chance at
revenge ) by at least 4 feet. These kicks are accompioned by squeals and
grunts, then the ignore begins. This has become a nightly ritual. I have to
give my very patient neighbor credit for hiking up the hill everyday, to
collect the fly masks, and returning them to her horses heads. ( She must
think they rub them off on the trees up top here, and its very bad luck that
they always end up on the North end of her property.) ( I do try to toss them
back in the general direction, lending to this belief....)

    Well, Steve, I can solve the "mystery " of MOMSTER 18 ! She is a very nice
person, with a wonderful fjord, who has been on my original chat list, and
have corresponded with for awhile now. We had just started to discuss training
with her 3 yr. old fjord, when the list started the topic of how young to
train..... so I've been forwarding her copies! She has turned off all the
blocks, on her mail, to accept the Digest's comming through, and had just
written me last night, how  much she had enjoyed the list!  Hopefully she can
get subscribed now, Thanks! 

   Cynthia, I have asked an equine artist friend of mine to sketch a fjord
head, to send to you for nametags..... shes very fast, and if you send me
you're "snail mail" address I'll send it along. ( No scanner at the moment )

   Hope to see some of you at PETSnVETS Fjord Chat, Sun. night, 9:00 EASTERN
time, on the net. New people every week, and "cudos" to the fjord lover
comming from the farthest away. Jackie, from down under has had the award,
most of the time, with Jean in Alaska, comming in second,  SASKIA, we miss
you! DARE you to stay up!!!
                    Best regards, Lisa Pedersen  PEDFJORDS   PAV FJORDS

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