This message is from: Sam & Sue Banks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I hope to meet some of you Fjordhorse List members at the upcoming
Equitana in Louisville, KY. I am taking my two Fjords, Lillehammer and
Freya, and we are supposed to be at the convention center next Monday in
order to rehearse the programs we will be doing starting on Thursday. I
am running out of time to get everything ready, so I thought I better
get this message written before I get distracted.
      My friend (who talked this old hunt seat rider into starting
dressage lessons last year) and I will be riding my Fjords in a Pas de
Deux that we just made up ( neither of us has ever seen one-talk about
the blind leading the blind!). We have only practiced once so far
(yikes!), but hope to get two more practices in before Equitana. I'm
afraid we won't have a real dressage ring with markers for our
demonstration, so I hope we can still pull this off without
embarrassment. So, if you see two lovely Fjord mares with two ladies
laughing hysterically doing aimless patterns (especially if one is a
good dressage rider and the other looks out of place but on a really
nice horse), you will have found us. 
      According to the schedule on the Internet, the Fjord Breed
Demonstration will be in the Freedom Arena around 4:30 or 4:40. Last
year the Fjords had several other things going on daily, but I don't
know when or where yet. And the NFHR has a booth as well. I hope to meet

Sue Banks, Mattaponi, VA

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