This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  In case anyone missed my point yesterday, I want this list to be
  used as a vehicle of friendly discussion among lovers of the
  Norwegian Fjord horse. I _WANT_ to get to know others and their
  Fjords as well as the medium will allow, and I am sure many others
  on the list share that desire. I want this to be a place where we
  can share training, care, breeding and other information about the
  horses we enjoy. I also want it to be a place where we can begin to
  get acquainted with one another.

  Let me try to make one other point more clear. I _DO_ think that
  excessive quoting is a real waste of bandwidth. There is almost
  never any need to quote an entire message to make a reply. Usually,
  quoting one or two sentences at most will provide a good anchor
  point for a reply. All mail clients of which I am aware have a block
  and delete function that works as well as the reply function. Please
  trim quotes! Make it a rule of thumb that a reply should always be
  longer than the associated quote.

Steve McIlree
Owner/Administrator - FjordHorse List

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