This message is from: saskia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Steve McIlree wrote:

>  This should not have to be a
>  guarded conversation. One shouldn't have to worry before they post a
>  message.

I totally agree with you, Steve and I was very relieved to read your 
mail, because it's one of the things I enjoy so much about this list, 
that everybody feels welcome.

But I understand the concerns of people reading the mails at their jobs 
and so I propose that we should look very well at the subject of the mail 
we're sending and that we change it in accordance to our mail, if it's 

To give an example: Mike wrote under the subject: re: Fjords/Highlands 
that he thought Haflingers had the same size/form as Fjords and that he 
didn't know about their characters. I replied a whole mail about the 
kittenish temper of Haflingers, but the subject under which I sent the 
mail was still: re: Fjords/Highlands. So in future I would send it like 
this: "Haflingers (was: re: Fjord/Highlands)" so that people can know 
about what the mail is and they can choose to read it or not...

Saskia (who enjoys very much everything on this list, learned already a 
lot and had a lot of fun too!)

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