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                                Thanks for putting Bullers picture on the web 
site,im going to
                                have a go at sending a post card to my canadian 
                                                        I havent had time yet 
to check the Highland stud book for
                                        fjords but i will this week.
                                        I think if you like  fjords you would 
get on with shetlands,
                                my other shetland is in her early 20s 33 inches 
                        with a flaxen mane, we call her Sadie(sweetpea).
                                she is on long term loan to me, from an Animal 
welfare group
                                she was badly neglected by her owners and left 
to get in a very 
                                poor condition ,  from ignorance .
                                        shes OK now although hard ground slows 
her down,billy and
                                her are  best friends ,some  times i turn 
buller out with them,
                        they have a good lark together.

                        we had a good show ,its one of only a few in Britain 
that has a
                                world breed class, it was a good turn out of 
diffrent  breeds,
                                Buller was 2nd in hand  geldings,. 1st in the 
Ridden class.
                                my friend sharon also went she has a 6yr old 
stallion,she imported
                                from Norway  hes  known as Erik , he won the  
stallion section and 
                        the In hand  championship.
                        So we were very happy with that, it all .helps to 
promote them.

                                FIONA BULLER BILLY AND SADIE

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