This message is from: Northhorse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In a message dated 98-05-26 09:19:07 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< They have broken the hairs high up on their tails and
 I fear that they will soon look terrible and I want them to look
 beautiful!!!!!  I worm them regularly.  I try to brush them as often as
 I can to keep the debris and skin flakes at a minimum.  Would it help or
 hurt to give their tails a good, thorough scrubbing?????  >>

A few years ago I had a TB that used to do this.  Besides keeping the tail
clean, also put some baby oil up high, where they rub.  Another problem is the
udder area.  This mare ALWAYS had the crustiest, dirtiest udder in the place.
I was constantly working to keep her clean.  Something about her conformation
I guess.  Kick up the dust and it would just stick in there.  Anyway, a dirty
udder can itch like crazy, and since they can't scratch their udder, they
scratch their tails.  Go figure.  Hope this helps.


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