This message is from: barry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Guess I'll throw in my $.02 on the Gateway. Used to be in the 'old' days
of dos you could fiddle with the config and autoexec files, or use a
boot disk or sometimes if you knew hex even rebuild corrupted fat tables
on the hard drive system area. W95 and the like are different animals
and don't allow much fiddling. I would be interested to know whether
this problem came before or after your changes to the registry.
Symantec was probably very helpful, but I wonder sometimes with pnp if
some of these programs performing system operations (like Norton) seem
to conflict with Windows device manager and cause problems. I have heard
of and had a bad (reformatted) disk from a comm program for the same
Looks like you tried everything (backup, safe mode, etc.) and will
probably have to reformat.
Everybody is right about backups, but ponder this: if it takes several
hours for a tape backup, and zip drives are expensive why not back up
only your personal files then if (when) there's a problem, just
reinstall Windows. Virtually everything on your system is from Microsoft
and on the cd anyway.
Good luck.

Village Farm Fjords
Nuevo, CA

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