This message is from: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 06:18 PM 5/8/98 -0600, you wrote:
>This message is from: "Alison Barr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>hi.  This has nothing to do with Fjords, but you guys are a large
>population of people with computers, so I figure someone will know. How
>do you link your adress to your web page?  I've tried "mail_me at" and
>"mail to" but neither works.  I am using Netscape composer to write it.
>send any answers directly to me, please.

Well if you want to put a link in an email or on a web page you use the
following tag:


If you want the link to be the URL of another web site you would use the
following HTML code:

<h3><a HREF="";>Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry</a></h3>

That would make a link to the NFHR's home page.

If you just want to put a link to a web site in a message just type it in like
this  <>  It will automatically make
it a



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry  
Mike May, Registrar
Webster, NY, USA (Suburb of Rochester)

 Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497


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