This message is from: "Glen MacGillivray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just some comments about evaluator vs horses traveling:

>This message is from: Ursula Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

<snip goes a bunch of good stuff>

>Someone on the list was also asking about judges visiting farms to evaluate
>horses. It was decided in North America that this would not happen.

Hopefully, open minds can prevail and decisions need not necessarily be
final.  The discussion of where and how evaluations can/should be done is an
important and interesting one.  We should not avoid the issue simply because
of an existing paradigm.

>All Evaluations would be held at a neutral facility. This would discourage
>favoritism and/or encourage impartiality.

It simply discourages those with larger distances or lesser financial means
from participating.

>It seems logical to me but like
>many of you I really feel that N.A. is at a very huge disadvantage due to
>the size of our continent. I do feel that the NFHR needs to be much more
>dilligent in promoting these assessments in the future. We have made
>tremendous headway but there is much much more to be done.Maybe down the
>road the Registry will be able to afford to hold many more Evaluations so
>people would not have to travel so far. That's not however stopping
>from learning all there is to know about evaluation and breed standards
>That information is available. Educate yourself and recognize the fact that
>there is a certain amount of barn blindness in all of us.

I believe that it is far more sensible for the evaluator to travel to the
horse(s) than for the horses to travel to an evaluation.  It's actually
rather silly in some ways to think of does of horses traveling hundreds or
thousands of miles collectively when a single person, by air, could see all
of the horses in a shorter period, in surroundings comfortable for the
horse, at lower cost.

<snip of lots more good stuff>

Just my $ 0.02

Glen MacGillivray

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