This message is from: Reinbowend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yes ofcourse you should have your filly evaluated. A knowledgable person given
the history will beable to tell if the anomaly is genetic or a case of
neglect. Such as splints whose cause can be attributed to numerous not always
conformational reasons. 
Yes Evaluation cost money. Nothing good in life is free or non-fattening.  If
you cannot or feel unqualified to acess your horses conformation then you
should take it to an evaluation.  Knowledge is the key to producing
superlative animals and that is what evaluations do. And wouldn't it be
wonderful if mother Nature smiled upon me and gaurenteed an outstanding foal
ever time out. Ain't going to happen for me , sinless as I am, or anyone else
dealing with livestock.  Vivian in Vermont

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