This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

When I got my first Fjord, Nansy, I was timid about cutting her
mane---not quite sure how to go about it.  So, her mane grew and grew,
but instead of laying down, it just kept going upward, then sort of
mushroomed out every which way---some forward, some backward, and to
both sides.  It looked awful, which gave me the courage to try
something (anything!) to tidy it up.  When I described it, one of my
friends nodded, and said, "Yes, the pony-mane from Hell!"  (It
reminded me of some of the British cartoons of the little pony, who is
so shaggy that you can't tell which end is which!)

I think it depends on the texture of the mane, and the width.  Nansy
has very wiry hair, and her mane is 3" (8 cm) wide!  I have seen
photos of our gelding, Rom, with a full mane---it simply parted down
the middle and hung down on both sides of his neck, but then his mane
is of a softer texture, and is only 1.5" (4 cm) wide.  I prefer the
look of the trimmed mane---it shows off the 2-color mane very nicely,
and gets lots of comments from those who do not know Fjords.  Besides,
as much as my gelding, Sleepy (affectionately known as Sloppy), likes
to roll in the mud, I'd hate to have to clean up a full mane on him!

Marsha Jo Hannah                Murphy must have been a horseman--
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               anything that can go wrong, will!
30 mi SSE of San Francisco, Calif.

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