This message is from: "Alison Barr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A couple of e-mails I would like to ask about.
Niki, how high did you find you could jump Malla? I really want to take
Fj  far, and it would be nice to have some info on what I can expect (I
think he has talent, and he loves to jump, so that won't really affect
Everyone keeps talking about Blue earth.  What/when/where is it?
Last but not least, Saskia Asked about canter and gallop.  They are two
different things.  A canter has three beats, going off hind foot,
diagonal pair, near front foot as an example of the left lead canter.
The right lead starts with the near hind foot.  The gallop has four
beats.  The left lead: off hind, near hind, off fore, near fore.

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