This message is from: "Laurie Pittman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

While Tor has the same busy, nimble lips that all our fjords seem to have,
his method of choice is brute strength. I've had to hot wire two walls on
the inside of his stall. He was knocking them out with his enthusiastic
scratching. You always know when he's in the barn, something is always
creaking. Took the barn door off it's hinges once. He recently broke out of
his "fjord proof" diet pen. At least I found out that the power to the fence
was off. He sure didn't waste any time taking advantage of it! And was he
happy to get out onto his pasture? Noooo........ he then broke into Copper's
paddock so he could go out onto his pasture. And he was quite proud of
himself too. I wasn't catching him anytime soon. *sigh* Brat horse. Bet he
was really annoyed to find the fence back on. <G> You should see the
tantrums he throws in the morning when he thinks he should be let out. Bangs
the gate, bucks, kicks, bellows, races around the pen, and starts all over
again. Silly horse.

Laurie in NW Washington

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