This message is from: "fjords" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Dear Cathy
I am interested in The dressage test being used for training this year is
ADS #4. I would really appreciate a copy if you can easily send it to me.
I too am addicted to my stallions. They are the best in the buggy, but maybe
we just spend more time with them.
Thank you for your help.
Lauren Sellars

-----Original Message-----
From: Misty Meadows B & B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Date: April 24, 2000 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: CDE info please

>This message is from: Misty Meadows B & B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Lauren - you could join the BC Carriage Driving Society - I believe that
>you are
>in Zone 2, and Carol Cody, the editor of Tight Traces would know for
>(email [EMAIL PROTECTED] or phone ) On Saturday, our zone (zone 6)
>did the
>cones and dressage qualifying events for the BC Summer Games on the only
>and windy day we've had in the last month:< We had a great time and our
>Cole did well; we were really pleased at the improvement he has made in
>his training
>over the winter.  Depending on the zone that you are in, members
>of  BC Carriage Driving Society hold clinics and some beginner events
>which are
>very helpful. At the event this weekend, there were 18 entries from the
>so we decided that we wanted to hold more regular "schooling level"
>competitions. We beginners like to have more exposure to all those funny
>rules before the "big" events. If you need a copy, email me privately.
>Cathy at Misty Meadows, Victoria BC  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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