This message is from: "Laurie Pittman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>He says I can't
> teach Aaron to neck rein and then to drive single because they are
> opposites and it will confuse him to the point he will lose the reining
> part some what.

Hmmmm........I wonder how all those people who ride both Western and English
do it?

Sheila, I don't think there's any reason why your fjord can't do both. My
17yo QH that is only ridden western, was trained to drive at age 14. It
really wasn't a problem. He still neck reins fine. There are a number of
people on the list that ride Western and/or English, as well as drive, (lets
hear from some of you on this) so I know that fjords can do it.

As far as Aaron trembling with fear while ground driving, it's hard to
comment without seeing what's going on, but I'd sure go slow with his
training and try to build his confidence. I sure wouldn't hitch him to a
cart any time soon!

I like John Lyons' three training rules.

Rule #1. The training must be safe for me.
Rule #2. The training must be safe for the horse.
Rule #3.  The horse must be calmer after the lesson than before it started.


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