This message is from: "Lynn Mohr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Creating cross bred fjords doesn't affect the breed at all.  The crosses
made be good or bad, but they are not fjords.  The other breeds that you
feel are screwed up were done by breeders selecting for certain traits,
within the breed, not by crosses.  This is a moot point, but it is a fact
that a pure bred fjord mare bred to any number of studs of various linages
is STILL THE SAME MARE.  These out breedings would have no effect on a
mating to a fjord stallion and that off spring would be no better or worse
if the mare hadn't been previously cross bred.
I respect anyones opinion or belief regarding the fjord, but I can't buy all
the info given to prove their point.  Most of it appears to be one viewing
of a cross or never even having seen one.  Preserving the integrity of the
fjord breed has nothing to fear from cross breeding but has much to fear
from breeders selecting for traits that are extreme on either ends of the
spectrum within the breed.

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