This message is from: "Julie Will" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all...I have a breeding calendar that I use to track what we are doing
with mares here.  It is a simple form with the months from January through
August, set up in "blocks" of three weeks each.  If you breed a mare on the
15th of February, for instance, the date appearing on the next line down is
the 7th of March, which is 21 days later...the time when she will be back in
heat if not settled.  It helps me plan my teasing and breeding schedules.  I
keep a sheet on each mare we are breeding, and give the mare owner a copy.
The form is a Works spreadsheet, and I can send it as an attachment if
anyone wants to use it, and your computer will open it.  (email me
privately)  Or you can send a SASE and I will mail you one.

Julie Will,  Old Hickory Farm
2502 Brick Church Road
Weedsport, NY  13166

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