This message is from: "Botte, Ernie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi - I too use a glory bit. I have ridden Sonnie in a eggbutt snaffle
for years and driven him in a uxeter kimberwick (soft cheek position)
for years. I went to a lisa Singer clinic a few months ago. She
suggested the glory butterfly bit. I splurged and bought one. The
weather was so bad that I have really been unable to drive in it, but
I was able to ride with it - I removed the leather curbing strap and
again just used it in soft cheeck (can't remember how to spell cheek?
Too early for me!) He has been awesome! He has been SOOOO good, that I
have to make the lessons short cause I think he's really using his
hiney. His canter is excellent. No leaning - soft - flexible. The only
thing is, he seems to bite his cheek and bleed - a little - very
little bit. At first I thought it was just carrot juice and curtailed
all snacks prior to riding. Then I brought in the vet - she thought he
had very fat cheeks (spelling? sorry) and filed a couple of points
down. She is coming again and is going to put a bit rest that should
help. Has anyone else had this problem? I love the bit and really
wanted to get a riding one also, but the blood bothers me. I thought
the problem was corrected, but I had a friend ride him last week (we
still have a right lead problem - rider error I am sure) she got after
him for coming against her hands - she a good rider - and sure enough
- he bled a little bit. Sorry so long - this has been bugging me for a
long time. See ya - Nancy In NH

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