This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

consider your clinic space "saved"...

re. the bosal being too small, did you try re-shaping it? Dunk it & soak it for awhile in luke warm water, than place it around a large coffee can or other similar shapeed thingy approximating Gunthar's schnozola. ( Newell post? Quarterbacks thigh? Railroad tie? ) Let it dry, re-tie the mecate ( you may only have to drop a few wraps in it, try first,before soaking, just in case.. and maybe it will fit,) but anyway, give it a try. I got a H-U-G-E bosal on Ebay last year, so large Tise could jump thru it like a hoop :} I ended up donating it to a benefit auction for our local trails group. It would of been dainty on a clydesdale!

I am pretty sure Matt will tell you what I will have to say about penning, get the horse a little more solid in the cow working/reining foundation ( i.e. really broke and listening), and then "go to town balls out". Penning can kinda turn into a wild free for all,with out of control people and horses and some people think it spoils a horse, kind of like gymkhana events do. A little goes a long way. Anyway, just remember to take it easy out there, but have fun! Sounds like you are taking the reasonable approach anyway, letting Gunthar figure it out the 'see-monkey/do-monkey' way.

Sorry to hear about your Mom. Hang in there, we all need each other someday, somehow.

From: Gail Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Bosal, Matt Sheridan
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 18:53:26 -0800

This message is from: Gail Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Consider two of your clinic spaces GONE!  Jim and I are coming.  We will
drive on Thursday - be there until Tuesday, if I remember correctly.  Ok, I
hope.  Matt was going to send me a JPEG of his flyer so I could circumvent
AOL's disinclination ? to let him send out JPEGS.   Will circulate to
whomever he asks.

Am in AZ visiting Mom w/ Alzheimers, so can't repost the bosal stuff now.
Will do when I am home late next week.

Will look into the trail less travelled stuff.  I've found Vaquero stuff in
tack shops, all too small.  We put a bosal (heavy wide training model) on
Gunthar before the team penning.  He responded very well, but we couldn't
leave it on him because it was too small.  His nose was being pinched all
the time.

Team penning was quite a trip  - maybe I can talk Matt into teaching us
exactly how you cut a horse out.  Decaffe loved it - Gunthar was confused -
but had his ears perked up to watch the cattle the whole time - until they
slammed into the arena wall.  Decaffe would chase a cow - but wouldn't
stop.  I need to learn better use of seat and legs.

Thanks for taking the time to respond.

MOre later - my computer desk here is extremely ergonomically incorrect -
so typing is a pain.

Regards :)


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