This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

horse telepathy.. I'm slow on the uptake you're thinking, the subject's
past =)) but we're still talking about it here in the sticks and it just
reminded us of a quote in Lynn Miller's book; "Training Workhorses,
Training Teamsters."

hmmmm, sounds like I'm selling books today? no! (it's just that one can
sound almost clever when you quote intelligent people =)

Lynn says, (pg 57) "Horses read our minds, they have a telepathic capacity
which we can only guess the full nature of. But it does exist, you see and
feel evidence of it repeatedly, (unless of course you refuse to). Stand
behind a team of horses which are wearing binders and concentrate on one of
them - stare at the back of that horse's head. And watch its reaction. In a
short time this horse will move its head and ears to try to figure out who
or what it feels." (he also gives a story example)

Relating or connecting to their telepathic ability (thoughts) in whatever
way we best can makes all the difference in handling a horse, or so it
seems to me. It worked well with a difficult non-fj horse, some years back
now, when I spent TIME just being with her.. talking, thinking, singing,
etc. . . worked like a charm!

I'm off to "visit" the Fjords! =)

Ruthie, NW MT

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