This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all -

I would like to second Gayle's invite to all of you to attend the Equine
fair in Ore at the end of Mar if you can. They are a hoot!

Regarding cougars: I assumed when I mentioned the shotgun that everyone
would know I only intended it for stock defense. I know this may raise
some hackles [so to speak] but I'd probably be a cougar-hugger if it
were feasible. But I like my herd/pack way better. As I mentioned, I
really don't expect to have to use it except maybe for coyotes.

And as for you, Mike, how cruel! I remember all of it. Well. It's only
the short-term memory that's going... What was I saying? Oh, yes, I'm
older than dirt. Thanx for the reminder....

Peg Knutsen, Knutsen Fjord Farm

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