This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 2/10/00 5:00:51 PM Mountain Standard Time, 

> "IT'S IN THE BOOK!"  -  Does anybody remember that funny record from the
>  1950's  spoofing Evangelical preachers?  When I was 13, I loved it! 
I loved the song following it "Little Herman and brother Sherman, had an 
aversion to washing their ears.  Scrubbed them out with grandma's lye soap, 
and they haven't heard a word in years."  (I can do more verses, but will 
spare you.)

And I had trouble because my former trainer and my mare just didn't like each 
other.  She's good for me but she would always flick her tail and act snotty 
with Jayne.  How do you screen for a trainer that would be good with fjords?  

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