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Hello List Mink Hollow here. We have a Sony Mavica also and the resolution on 
the JPEG photo;s are very good!  Our web page we did not use digital. I have 
a nice scanner, those are Photos, copied into the computer by the scanner at 
a high resolution.  The Sony also takes small film clips. Nice feature for 
Horsey people. I like the floppy disc. No wires, no fuss, simple.  Sounds 
like most of you guys are way ahead of me on the technology end!  Saves a lot 
of money on developing photos and video's.  I think one could go broke on all 
the videos you send out that are never returned!  Carol, That weed you spoke 
of, got any pictures, native weed to Canada?  Like to see what it looks like. 
Cheryl, have been enjoying your sleighing escapades.  I Worried for you 
traveling over rocks.  Try and find a safe place that is flat and has nothing 
to catch runners on especially till you learn.  When I began I went up in the 
hills for Christmas bows and all went well, had a ball but a runner caught on 
a bramble you could not see under the powder and I tipped over in slow 
motion. I had a seasoned safe pony and thankgod she did not run. She went a 
few feet, I landed on 2 feet, but she did scratch up the new red sleigh and I 
lost and antique bell.  It can happen so fast.  Also have someone on the 
ground with you while teaching Soliela. Carry around Jingle bells in the barn 
with you.  Never drive the sleigh without being inside it!  Don't let the 
horse back up always forward motion. watch snow that is exceptionally deep. 
You can get the sleigh stuck on one side and tip. If a snowmobile goes by 
keep the horse moving forward, keep the same contact, and soothing talk. 
Don;t raise your voice stay monotone.  Little tricks that may help in the 
beginning. Last of all, no sharp turns, Plan your turns and Bob sleds with 2 
runners I find the safest.  We sleigh on trails, road and ring.  I do not 
take green horses into the trails as their is little room for mistakes when 
sleighing.  You can also try dragging the sleigh next to your mare so she 
hears and sees it before you hitch her. Ps this is great work for their top 
line.  Renee so sorry about the little ones, I am sure there is nothing you 
could have done, little solace I know, twins are not always detected even 
with all the fancy technology of today.  If I read this right you still have 
your mare, that is something to be thankful for. Laura of the Hollow

  • Camera's and Sleighing MinkHolow

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