This message is from: Fiona Nicholson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I had read about the caterpillars in a horse magazine , but we don't
have them available over here. my sister who is very interested in
"Bugs" loves ragwort because its the home of the cinnabar moth which
is very beautiful but id rather not have ragwort

In a summer Britain's motorways , rail sides and road verges are a sea
of golden yellow, in the last few years its spread has been quite
alarming considering its on the Dangerous plants /weeds act and you
can be made to clear your land

But nobody wants to admit its their problem , our local council will
only clear a road verge that someone's put a complaint in about and
leave the rest

Even locally to me Ive seen horses grazing in fields that are maybe
70% ragwort theirs no excuse for it our Horse press print information
all the time on the danger! The most worrying thing is that its
getting into the hay crops etc. and its more palatable to horses when
its dried. Creosote is readily available over here but it is horrible
stuff and lots of people use the more friendly stuff

Happy Fjording
Yorkshire, England.

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