This message is from: sini seppala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > Have often wondered if horses sometimes get headaches like we do

> Have wondered about that, too, and I think horses' heads and
> bellies etc. ache at times just like ours - why wouldn't they? After
> all, horses are even more sensitive to for instance changes in their
> diet than many other animals. Have also heard of a horse who, according
> to the owner, clearly had pains which were related to the mare's
> hormonal cycle.
> I guess we easily think that the horse is just being difficult or
> testing us or whatever. What if he's stiff and ouchy from
> yesterday's exercise, or has a pulled muscle that won't cause visible
> limping (just like we may have some really sore spots that won't prevent
> us from moving but still hurt a lot), or is fighting an infection that
> makes him feel weak although we can't notice anything out of the
> ordinary.
> Greetings from snowy Juhola where the horses are having their supper
> out in the pasture and the sky is deep blue tonight.
> Sini.

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