This message is from: "Lapp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi friends,

Just want to let you know I'll be leaving the "fjord list."  Many thanks for
all the interesting and educational discussions, and to Steve, thank you for
making the discussion possible.  I'll miss it, especially the upcoming foal
stories - and I'll miss annoucing our Onalee's big day late this month. And
I'll miss learning more about the great Fjords of today and yesteryear...
and many other things.

I have printed out many peices of information, and bound them in a book. So
the generous contributions of you all won't be forgotten. Aside from print
and paper, you've etched an irreversable education on Hannah and my first
two years of Fjording. Our education is far from complete, but at this time
I'm bound to many duties besides Fjords, and the day came when I had to tell
myself to pick priorities. Perhaps someday Hannah will learn to use the
e-mail, and jump back in. Or maybe me...

I wish everyone the best.

Barbara Lyn Lapp
Lapp Family Fjords
Cassadaga, NY 14718

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