This message is from: Anita Unrau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just wanted to let everyone know that we are planning a trip to the midwest and
then onto Dallas, TX  to deliver horses and carriages  we have sold.  We will be
taking with us a couple of geldings that are not as yet sold.  We hope to be in
the Green Bay, Wisc. area  in about two weeks and will have these geldings
available for people to look at and try out at an arena there or elsewhere  
the way if that works out better for you.
These four year old geldings are  trained  to ride and drive, single as well as
pair.    If someone is interested email me and I can send pictures and more info
on them and set up dates for viewing.  We will be making various stops along the
way so if it works out and you are looking for a trained gelding let us know.
We have not had any geldings since the 97 foal crop so once these three and four
years are sold it will be quite awhile before we have any more trained geldings
for sale.  Do have a number of fillies to sell however and once the geldings are
all sold will work on the mares that have been raising babies and the young

It has been interesting reading about the opinions and comments of Mules and
Fjords.  We had a pair of mules (actually a mule and a hinny) we traded Joe and
Meg Hempel out of a few years back. Our summers here can be very hot and dry.
Orville was mowing oat hay  and using the Fjords, switching teams every two
hours.  The kids and I would have the next pair ready to go and give showers and
clean up the ones coming back in before they got their water, feed  and rest
until it was their  turn again.  This worked real well until it got really hot.
The mules came home for water in the early afternoon on one of these hot buggy
days and Orville was bringing another team in to switch.  He grabbed a couple of
halters from the barn and caught Polly and Belle, had them harnessed and out in
the field mowing again.  The Fjords were having a hard time with the deer flies
biting them and Orville had been  going to call it a day when the mules made the
mistake of coming home.  He worked the next couple of hours with the big flies
chewing on the mules and they didn't even let on they knew the flies were
hungary.  That was when Orville realized why Mules are so prized for field work
in the south with the  hot, muggy, buggy days they have down there .  As good as
Fjords are there are occasions when a mule is better.

Anita Unrau
Anvil's Acres Norwegian Fjord Horses

  • Trained geldi... Anita Unrau
    • Re: Trai... */-999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

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