This message is from: "Marion Bijster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

this summer the Dutch fjordstudbook has a jubilee and two days
festivities because they exist 45 years

The programme is not yet final

It can contain the following things:

Friday august 4:

Long distance contest for riders on horseback and horses and carriages
through the national park "De Hoge Veluwe"

Also open for riders without contesting

Possibility for a show in pulling trees out of the forest and a contest

Show and contest for horses brought in the ring by hand

Open for horses 2 year and older, mares and geldings to seek out the
best horse in uniformity and quality

Judges: possible all members and a judge from each country that
contributes with horses

Further: names of judges

Simutaniously in the ring to the side is a show in dressage

which means that they try to get as many fjord horses to show what they
can do

But this part of the program is not yet definitive.

The shows will be both on Friday and Saturday

Saturday: coaches with one horse or more and a contest in beauty

That means that the clothes have to match the coach, or the time that
they represent

The same with ridden horses and at the hand

Oldies (people ?)

Demonstrations from the different parts of our country (short)

Individual demonstrations

This is the program so far

What precisely will be hold and when is not yet known, but surely will
be in some time


By the way: Hansje is doing wonderful !

I rode her yesterday for a full hour for the first time, with a lot of
stepping in between, and she did very well.

I even tried a little canter and she did it !

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