This message is from: Alison Barr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I think it is sad if horses get sold off in droves, because it means
that they don't always end up in a good home.  But I can think of horses
whose fates have taken a turn for the better.  Biscuit, who was bought
during a stop-over on the way to the meat market, and turned into a
wonderful beginners pony.  Buffy, who at some point in his life was
either in a farm vehicle accident, or was hit in the face with a 2x4 as
his face is bent.  He is 35 or so, living out his days in retirement. 
My sunny was somewhat on the way to the meaters when he made the
conversion to child's pony.  And I have full intentions of beating
meaters to bargain horses then training them up to sell, something I
couldn't do without the low low prices of the ill fated but sound pony
or horse.  And don't forget all the little girls crying out for a pony,
but whose parents could never afford a purebred pony with a pedigree as
long as your arm.
I hope this helps lighten the hearts of some of the people who feel for
the horses not so lucky.  They don't all end up in a can.

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