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    Hi List !    A little late, but soooo funny....copied from todays 
CD-List.   Lisa Pedersen   Cedar City UT.  where it is clear, kind of warm, 
and no snow.

> Horse List of New Year's Resolutions
> 1. I CAN walk and poop at the  same time. I can, I
>  can, I can
>  2. I will NOT stop and poop or urinate every time
>  I pass the same spot in the arena.
>   3. I will NOT leave when my rider falls off.
> 4. My stall is NOT my litter box. When I have free
>  access to my paddock, I will NOT
>  go back inside to pee.
>  5. I will NOT roll in streams  or try to roll when my human is on my
>   6. I will NOT leap over large nonexistent
>  obstacles when the whim strikes.
>   7. I will NOT walk faster on the way home than I
>  did on the way out.
>  8. I promise NOT to swish my tail while my human
>  is cleaning my back feet.
>   9. I promise also NOT to choose that particular
>  time to answer nature's call.
>   10. I will NOT bite my farrier's butt just
>  because it's there.
>  11. I will NOT confuse my human's blond hair for
>  really soft hay.
>   12. I will NOT wipe green slime down the back of
>  my human's white shirt.
>   13. I will NOT blow my nose on my human.
>   14. I will NOT try to mooch goodies off every
>  human within 1 mile radius.
>  15. I will NOT lay totally flat out in my stall
>  with my eyes glazed over and my legs
>  straight out and pretend I can't hear my
>  human frantically screaming "Are you
>  asleep?"
>   16. I will NOT chase the ponies into the electric
>  fence to see if it is on.
>  17. I will promise NEVER to dump the wheelbarrow
>  of manure over while my human
>  is mucking my stall.>
>  18. I will NOT grab my lead rope in my mouth and
>  attempt to lead myself.
>  19. I will NOT have an attitude problem. I won't,
> I won't, I won't!
>  20. I will NOT pull my new shoes off the very next
>  day just to prove that I can.
>  21. I am neither a beaver nor a carpenter. I promise I won't eat or
> the
>  barn or the new fences.
>   22. I am NOT a Shin'a'in Battlesteed. I will not
>  act like one.
>  23. I WILL forgive my human for the very bad
>  haircut, even though I Look like a
>  freak.
>  24. I accept that not every carrot is for me.
>  25. I will NOT do the Arab Teleport Trick when a
>  bad/naughty/awful Horsasaurus
>  Monster breathes at me.
> 26. I will NOT jump in the air, turn 180 degrees
> every time I see a deer.
> 27. I will understand that deer are NOT
> carnivorous.
> 28. I will NOT shy at familiar objects just for
>  fun.
>   29. I will NOT bite the butt of the horse in
>  front of me during the trail ride just
> to say "Hi".
> 30. I WILL put my ears forward and cooperate when
>  it comes to photos.

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