This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

< Could someone comment on training a young horse to lead ...

I like the Linda Tellington Jones method for this.  You use a little wand.

Gail, I too use this method, learned it from Diana Thompson, (a Sonoma County "neigh"-bor of yours..)The wand is really a dressage whip for me, but hold it w/ the butt end as the end of the wand, set up a rhythym, and away you go. Great for teaching voice commands, and really lightens up the leaning thing. I use the wand method for introducing a horse (of any age) to new things on walks and in the arena. Tapping the obstacle lightly, it focuses the horses attention down where it counts. Even worked with my Trakehner/Giraffe gelding, and a couple of Arabs I did some driving training with. Another thing I do with the wand/dressage whip, is use it up and across and towards the horses face for a turn AWAY from me,( not really ever coming more than 10" or so from their face),and as a wand-in-motion to go forward and around me, always keepng a rhythym and motion that is energetic, but not rushed. For a halt, start out with a exaggerated flourish directly in front of them, going from ground to sky, always remembering to stop your own body motion as well. After a short while,they will really catch on, and pay attention to your body movements and voice, until it becomes as if they are locked-on. Its really fun! This "wand" type of work has really improved my halter class technique. One thing I really will not tolerate : heads swinging into my face. I guess you can call me a meanie, but I use my thumbnail for "defense"...only I let the horse plow into it with the sensitive area just above the muzzle. I don't say a thing, just let the situation take care of itself. Glad you mentioned this wand thing Gail, I really think it helps ANY kind of horse, not just this Sumo wrestling, full body contact breed!

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