This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> >>
>> >> term is followed by Ole's definition.
>> >>
>> >> 1. Log On: Making da voodstove hotter.
>> >> 2. Log Off: Vood rolled out of do voodstove.
>> >> 3. Monitor: Keeping an eye on da voodstove.
>> >> 4. Megahertz: Ven ya drop da log on yer foot.
>> >> 5. Floppy Disc: Vhat ya get from stacking too much vood.
>> >> 6. Ram: He keeps da rest of da sheep content.
>> >> 7. Drive: Vhat ya hate to do ven da roads are icy.
>> >> 8. Prompt: Vhat ya vish da mailman vas in da vinter.
>> >> 9. Enter: Vell come on in den!
>> >> 10. Windows: Vhat ya shut ven it snows.
>> >> 11. Screen: Vhat keeps da skeeters out of da house.
>> >> 12. Memory Chip: Someting good vit dip.
>> >> 13. Microchip: Vhat is left at da bottom of da chip bag.
>> >> 14. Modem: Vhat ya did to da hay fields last summer.
>> >> 15. Dot Matrix: Married to Iver Matrix.
>> >> 16. Laptop: Ver ya set yer grandkids.
>> >> 17. Keyboard: Ver da missus hangs her keys, den she can't find dem.
>> >> 18. Software: Da plastic picnic utensils.
>> >> 18. Mouse: Vhat leaves dem little turds in da cupboard.
>> >> 19. Mainframe: Vhat holds da roof up.
>> >> 20. Port: Ver da lutefisk fisherman park da boats.
>> >>
>> >>

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