This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

if your Fjord bucks like a graceful davenport, aren't you lucky!

I have an Arab that does that too, but I can usually see it coming through
her explicit body language and discourage it.

on the other hand, Fjord indications of an impending ejection are
nonexistant by comparison. my observation is they are too stoical to give
any advance notice. that, coupled with their kissy-faced friendliness can
be deceptive!

I have to say I was almost killed when one tossed me like a frisbee and I
body slammed the ground. talk about an attitude adjustment! I am now one
cautious lady!

Fjords ARE a superior horse (I love them no less, and couldn't love them
more!) but they can buck in a more excellent way as well. that's why I
always say, "more horsepower per pony."

please spare me the game of "there must have been a bee" or "how was your
hair parted that day?"... this particular horse enjoys bucking. PERIOD

one male skeptic who prides himself on his riding ability was doubtful
about the incident; the horse, the tack, my riding ability, etc. but you
should have seen that same fella disembarked from that high flying

Folks, we have to quit overselling the Fjord by saying they're innocuous
furniture, etc.! they are as perfect as a horse can get and I'm as zealous
as anyone in praising their merit but they are after all just an animal!
someone could be seriously injured, or killed, through our
misrepresentation. I fully realize they differ greatly and many don't have
the bucking potential but BE CAREFUL!

I kind of hated to say this but it might prevent injuries. a few years ago
Anne Appleby wrote a cautionary article in the Herald about misrepresenting
the Fjord as harmless and I greatly appreciated it. maybe we need to do
this on a regular basis for newcomers.

Ruthie, NW MT

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