This message is from: Alison Barr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Back issues are available by sending the following message to
>     get fjordhorse-digest vNN.nMMM
> where "NN" is the volume number, and "MMM" is the issue number.

Te he he.  Can't help but be reminded of Physics.
"F=ma where F is force, m is mass, and a is the acceleration"
Sure.  Just as soon as I start to settle into my break, someone has to
remind me of school.  How could you.
; )
I am really behind, and am sending out my secret santa package now, but
it could be a new years gift : ) Sorry, but it doesn't have far to
travel so you should still get it soon.
Hint: I probably have the most in common with the person I'm secret
santa to of all the others on the list.  Not telling you what, tho, it
would give it away.
I did get my gift, and am still resisting the urge to open it.

For all that who find it relevant:
"God forbid that I should go to a heaven that had no horses"
R.B. Cunningham Graham
I believe that this was approximately the sentiment that was intended in
recent posts.  I am not a religious person, but I think we can all see
the truth in that.  Whatever you believe, no one wants to be without the
beautiful animals that brought us to this list.
Merry Christmas
(Originally a pagan solstice celebration)
Alison in Alberta wishing for snow.

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