This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 99-12-21 06:02:24 EST, you write:

 This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Just a note to say I got my Santa gift on its way to the South of us here in
 Montana..Funny thing about the name thing, so close to mine.

    YES Patty Peterson from Libby......I recieved your package yesterday !   
Except for you spelling your name WRONG ( Pedersen is correct <VBG> ) you are 
wonderful !   When I asked for tack, as mine has been burried in the move, I 
didnt expect ALL the tack that I ever needed........I opened my box to find a 
gift pack of brush's, comb, hoof pick, curry, bathing mit. ect. ALSO there 
wasa the neatest tile of Norwegian welcome and a coffee mug with a Dala horse 
on it !    WOW.   Thank-you so much for all the great stuff, Patty.....what 
fun, esp. of the picture of you and ( ? ) a beautiful mare at Libby with a 
grand ribbon of blue on her neck.  I hope to meet you this next year at 
Libby, and please correct that name between now and then.  ;   )

      Hi List !   I feel like such a loser today, I JUST mailed out all my 
x-mas cards, a few packages, my Santa Pals gift, ect.    From one who usually 
sends out cards nearer to Halloween, I felt like it was Jan. 16th, and I was 
crawling into the PO to mail my tax's.  Oh well, I guess its all relative and 
just the thought that counts....( only LATE LOSERS SAY THAT )  Sooooooooo, 
hope you like your custom gift, Santa Pal, I can say that <only> you will 
recieve this EXACT gift, so enjoy!   P.S. You may feel the need to DRY OUT 
from all the wet stuff you have been getting , so please come to dry, cool 
So. Utah for a visit. We will go hitch and play.   Hint, Hint. 

   Steve.....on chat this week, was it you who mentioned that the cost of us 
contributing to the list was only going to be around 1 dollar?   If so, sign 
me up. I get One-List for my Draft Horse digest form, and yes, it does run 
ad's after EVERY post....making the total same ad seen by me around 30 times 
per day.....very annoying to say the least, esp. when they love to copy 
everyones full prior message before sending a , " I agree...." or a " Really? 
"  ect. 

   BUT :   I will blindly follow wherever you take your loyal 
subject should. " If you build it, we will come. "     

   Maybe IF we end up at One-List, ( doning the flame retardant suit now ) we 
all could help by shortening our own sig. lines. There, I said it. The place 
where someone lives always interests me, but with 3 diff. lists I subscribe 
to,sometimes reading over and over the ad's, along with a multitide of repeat 
posts, then throw in a sig. line like.....

   Max Farmer  MD, EMT, ESPN, CNA, CPA
Holder of the worlds best time for spinning a dog
on a ladder / Guiness Book Of World Records
Vol. 11. 1963 Special Ed. 
Rockville, Mn. USA 
( available at IDIOT BOOK CLUB, Lansing, MI. ( 800-699-4431 ) 
    " when the dog's a spinning, the man's a winning "  Quoted by wife,  
Hilde, mom to future record holder, Bobbie, age 24, who, when let out on a 
day pass.....practices for the tital. 


    I know, Im a little over the top here, but tis the season to be crabby, 
and one can only read those just SO many times a day......see?  Anyone who 
gets multiple lists per  day, Digest form WITH ad's every 20 sec. or so will 
relate. Everyone else with big signature lines will just get mad.    

                 ( ducking )      ;   (

    Had another fun group for chat this week....sans Jackie, PAV Aussie, who 
seems to have blown up her computer for real this time !  Waaaaaaaaaaa, 
Jackie HELP !  Those " speed " greetings are not working well with my 2 
fingered attempts. Hope you and everyone can find time to stop by next Sun. 
for a visit. We can all share what type of cookies we are eating, and how 
much weight we all gained over the weekend.      Bye for now, Lisa Pedersen  
<----------note spelling.  PAV FJORDS
Cedar City, Ut. 

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