This message is from: Alison Barr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        As christmas approaches, I would like to share some of the heartwarming
things I have found with my weegie.
        One day last summer I was grooming Fj at the fence, and the newest
batch of barn cats were using the warm weather to explore.  One of the
bolder ones was sitting on the fence, watching Fj.  Suddenly, the cat
jumped up onto Fj.  Fj stood still as the cat explored the new
viewpoint, and rubbed his face on Fj's bristly mane.  The cat, realizing
the wonderful scratchy feel of Fj's mane, proceeded to rub his body on
it, slowly crawling up his neck.  He ended up perching on Fj's poll,
chewing on his ears.  Concerned for the cat's safety, Fj just stood
quietly, an ear flicked back, enjoying the cat's attention.
        Another time a different kitten terrified me by discovering Fj's
feathers. Batting at them, the Kitten proceeded to curl up under Fj's
fetlock and play.  I, a few feet away, couldn't run and grab him for
fear that Fj would move even an inch, endangering the little one beneath
his feet.  Fj stood the most still I have ever seen, waiting for me to
pull the Kitten out of danger.
        Last but not least,  I went out to his paddock to get him one day, and
couldn't see him.  While it is a large paddock, it certainly can't hide
a horse.  Thinking he must have been on the far side of the empty sheep
shed, I walked around to the far side.  He wasn't there.  The
surrounding paddocks were Fjord free.  Starting to worry, I called my
mom over.  Around this time, I heard a thump from the shed.  With some
disbelief, I looked over at the sheep shed.  But the door was closed. 
Couldn't be.  Then the shed nickered.  My equine knowledge told me that
sheds did not nicker.  I opened the small shed's door, and there was Fj.
 He had opened the dutch door, gone inside, and re-closed the door. 
However, once inside, he couldn't reopen the swing in door.  I naturally
freed him, thinking that he wouldn't do it again, and closed the door. 
However, over the next few weeks he proceeded to go in several times. 
This being the end of the season, he had become bored of penned life,
and had found himself a fort.  The look on his face was always priceless
as he looked out of the top of the doorway, and looked out on the world.
Merry christmas to all the too smart ponies and the owners who live with them.

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