This message is from: Pat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Pat-I wonder why you don't or never will kiss a horse? Just curious.

I don't have a problem with other people kissing, hugging, .... taking their
Fjords on dates, whatever gets you through the day.But,.
This is what I do for a living, I care for the horses in my charge and take it
seriously. I worry about them, I've lost sleep over them, I've traveled more 
with horses than any human. I've cried over the deaths of  horses after  good
partnerships of training from scratch. I've known some horses better than I know
my husband. I've felt the greatest pride of seeing horses I've trained go on 
amateurs & youths, much like seeing our kids do well in life. I've cared for
horses better than I've seen some parents do with their children, I have 
concern  and yea, love for horses. You will find no one with more enthusiasm 
for a
horse when I see the potenial of a great one. I live and breath it. Ask my 
& kids. I do not whisper, hug or kiss. My horses generally do what I ask just
because I asked them to do it. No less no more. You guys can kiss,.....I'll just
work with them, thanks. Pat @GVF


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