This message is from: misha nogha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Years ago I lost a horse to colic who ate too much mud. Admitedly, for her
it was a pica behaviour that was beyond the occasional lipping in the dirt.
But since it was deadly serious, I would advice anyone to try and stop this
behaviour. In the winter or on muddy days, I ALWAYS feed in feeders. I made
some good ones by taking 55 gallon plastic drums from a pepsi plant,
sterilizing them, laying then on their sides in a wooden cradle and cutting
out an oval section somewhat off center from the top side. These are great
as they are pratically horse proof, easy to clean, the round sides send the
hay back down to the bottom instead of being flipped over the sides --for
the most part. My hubby designed these feeders for me because I was unhappy
with commercial ones. Either the horses just threw all the feed out, or
there were all kinds of dangerous places for horses to stick heads, feet,
etc. I don't want a feeder that can hide little flakes for botulism. The
only thing I say about them is that they are not good for very young foals
because they tend to want to stand in them. If you have an older horse that
does this after the food is gone, as one of mine does, I just slide them
out of the pen after feeding.  

Thanks Brian for the fabulous post about training. I really appreciated the
bomb proof line. I got a telephone message this am. Please call us. We want
a Fjord and we heard they are bombproof. Ummm-hmmm. Now I know what to say
Brian-----ad gimmick. Very good. Well I am pretty bombproof, but if I get a
yellowjacket up my jeans I have behaviour both physically and verbally that
is not normal for me. Great post.

Okay, so my plan is to get the older style classic siamese and raise them.
Used to raise Siamese years ago and miss it terribly. When/if I get this
accomplished, better get on my waiting list. It is getting longer by the
day! The Norwegian Forest cats are gorgeous. I am just a meezer nut.


Misha Shota Fjords

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