This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 12/3/99 15:06:24 Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
<< The feeling is that their bodies have  not been able to build up any 
natural antibodies against certain prevalent  bacteria found in abundance in 
normal living situations. The anti bacterial  cleaning agents, so in vogue 
now, not only kill the really bad stuff like  strep, staph and salmonella, 
but also effectively wipe out more benign flora  and fauna, which when we 
ingest them in small quantities help to strengthen  our immune systems.  >>

<g>  In the late 70's I lived on a ranch in Malibu.  It was owned by a dear 
old man whose father taught horsemanship in the German Cavalry in WWI.  This 
man had an illustrious life, filled with horses and celebrities.  And was so 
down to earth.  In his German accent, he'd tell me, when something fell on 
the floor, "Angel darling, God made dirt so it wouldn't hurt".   His hygiene 
may not have always been the best, but he was one healthy, happy and very 
handsome man at the age of 78!  I have so many wonderful memories of this 
man.  He was a sort of surrogate father to us youngsters.  And I bet if he 
were alive today, he'd absolutely fall in love with my fjords.


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