This message is from: Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

CD-L is already getting signed up for their Secret Santa Exchange this year and
I thought I could volunteer to be Chief Elf for the FH-L this year if there is
interest again. Those who participated last year enjoyed the fun (speak up this
year and encourage others to sign up).

For those of you new to the list, a Secret Santa exchange involves signing up,
names are given out by the Chief Elf, and you pick out a gift/s to send as
Secret Santa as well becoming a gift receiver yourself. You may use the list to
drop hints to your person about who you are or even use snail mail. I  have been
highly entertained in the past by the creativity of my Secret Santa and received
some really nice horse-related gifts as well as little gifts for the horses. We
have put a limit of $25 on the exchange in the past and could use this amount
again this year.

If I receive some interest I will provide the formal rules and sign up form.

Cynthia Madden, self-appointed Chief Elf for the FH-L
Omaha, Nebraska USA

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