This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 11/11/99 3:01:31 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

<<   Nobody knows exactly what happened, but what we do know is that 
 can happen to anyone, at any time, with any horse.  Even the ones you've had 
 for years, and know very well.  
     Please, all, remember what big, powerful creatures we are dealing with, 
 and don't ever get over-confident.  Yes, we love them, and trust them, and 
 want to spend all our time with them - but we must remember to stay on our 
 toes, at the same time.
Gosh, what a tradgedy, but I personally know how fast things like that can 
happen and your advice is well given.  Having been around horses all of my 
life, I have seen what CAN happen.  The saying that God loves kids and 
greenhorns must indeed be true.  I have seen people put themselves and their 
children, unknowingly, in some very vulnerable situations.  Makes me cringe.

Through the years of training horses, I have received some serious injuries 
even as cautious as I try to be.  The last time I got hurt was the Sunday 
before we left for the Libby show this year.  Dusty had gotten cast in his 
stall and couldn't seem to wriggle himself up.  I went in to help and on his 
way over, he caught me in the face with a hind foot complete with brand new 
sliding plates.  I thought I was a goner, sounded like a 30.06 going off in 
my head.  Spent the rest of the afternoon in emergency getting stitched back 
together.  He got me right above my eyebrow, made cramming a hat on my head 
for the show, a bit PAINFUL!!

We will keep the family in our thoughts and prayers.

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

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