This message is from: Larson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Is it possible to do (for this purpose only) an 
>informal email group to help the Southwest Chapter get started?  Or even put 
>out a mailing directed to fjord owners in the Southwest.  

Pamela, thanks for an excellent suggestion.  I don't know about an email group 
which would be beyond my 
capabilities.  Steve McIree is the only one I know of on the list with that 
particular genius :o)  But a direct 
mailing would be possible.  Some few of you who know me personally know I  am 
mobility limited.  But if it  
can be done via a word processor, I'm game!

So, anyone in the SW area who is interested in forming or simply belonging to a 
SW Chapter, please email 
me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and provide your email and snail mail addresses.  Also, 
please indicate whether 
you would be willing to help in the actual organizing or whether you have the 
time to only "join".  

Also, any of you who were instrumental in establishing the existing Fjord 
groups, I would appreciate private 
emails which include suggestions on how you got started, what your clubs' goals 
are and how you operate.

Sue in Sandia, can I forward all emails to you and get your assistance?  It was 
your idea :o)  We can share  
some of the "slog through the process" stuff.

Steve, thank you for allowing me to "blow off steam" about this issue.  I 
appreciate your suggestions. (I also 
get frustrated because I can't jump up and make it happen!)  I agree an 
evaluation may not be the appropriate 
place to start.  However, I do believe this needs to be the ultimate goal as 
the folks in our region seem to be 
more interested in an evaluation than anything else.  If the formation of a 
cohesive group will promote such an 
activity, a future evaluation may provide the necessary motivation.

So, with the List's permission, I invite you to contact me privately.  And with 
their further permission, I will 
report to the List any new info and further requests for participation.

Larson in New Mexico where this morning the temperature is bitter cold but will 
warm nicely as the sun 
continues to rise.

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