This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 01:40 PM 11/4/99 -0900, you wrote:
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I would like Anita Unrau to tell us about Rudaren (C-74), who they imported
from Norway  in 1981 along with a bunch of mares.  He was one of the more
influential stallions, sire of Anvil's Torbjorn, Anvil's Rorik, Anvil's
Regin, Anvil's Randi, Anvil's Rickolv, Anvil's Unior, Quad-L's Keenan, Two
River's Riktig, and probably some other other stallions not registered with
the Canadian Registry.

Yes he would be an interesting one to hear about for sure.

Mike, I wonder how many of the NFHR fjords have Rudaren in their pedigree!
Is there any easy way to determine this?

I have been up all night counting them for you but I finally have it! There are 787 horses in my database with Rudaren someplace in their family tree.

And as long as I was up all night counting anyway I counted Grabb's too! He has 1575 in his list.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497

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