This message is from: "Teressa Kandianis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've been so intrigued with the folk histories of various fjords - the
stories that are included with the pedigree - that I spent way too much time
yesterday looking through the Canadian info on the web site.  And though
interesting - especially when I spot a now familiar name - it is clunky to
use and incomplete.  Having spent a little time in recent years trying to
put together my own family's lineage, I am familiar with the software
program Family Tree Maker.  I thought I might open a new book on fjords and
try to put in lineages as they appear on the list and as I glean them from
other sources.  The beauty of this is that printouts can be done as
hourglasses - with one horse in the center and the horses descendants and
ancestors swelling out to top and bottom; as traditional lineages with one
person at the root and the descendants following (though the numerous
divorces and remarriages will be somewhat complex); and you can scan photos
into the album for each entry; includes stories in the "notes"; and include
medical info and personal characteristics (height, color, etc) ; and there
is a page of facts which can be used for each entry where the list of
accomplishments could be entered.  For people like me, the list would
include fact 1 - Cleaned Merit's feet and he didn't have a halter on.  May
30,1999.  For others, the list of shows and prizes would perhaps be the red
letter days.  And reports from the records kept can be custom designed for
specific purposes.  Has anyone already tried this with Family Tree Maker or
a similar program?  Teressa from sunny, frosty Ferndale.

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