This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Nancy,

On Sun, 31 Oct 1999 22:47:27 -0500 Nancy Hotovy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Amen Brian!  You have such a great way of putting into words why we all
>need to watch our breeding practices.

Thanks for the comments Nancy.  It helps to know whether other people
think comments made were on the right track or not.

I'd like to hear more about your stallion Toby along the same lines as
the comments made about the other stallions.  What do you think?

What about some other stallion owners we have yet to hear from.  I guess
there may be some hesitation to contribute without an invitation since
the perception might be that some would take that as precocious.  So
consider this an invitation.  I'll mention some names of stallions that
we've seen in the Herald often and whose owners are on this list.  Others
please chime in if I've left someone out.  Julie Will - Erlend, Laura
Wich - Hostar, Vivian Creigh - Marnix, Anne Appleby - Misha, Susan
Giargiari - Hilmar, Bernardine Karns - Ivan, Ceacy Henderson - Konggard,
Pat Wolfe - comments on former stallions?   Anyone else?  Even if you
don't list offspring who've done this or that (though that would be
nice), tell us about your stallions.  Thanks!

Brian Jacobsen

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