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   Hi everyone !   Greetings from So. Utah and our wonderful fall we are 
enjoying !  Its 83 for a daily high, 28 low tonight. The Fjords are haired up 
like YAK's and are dirty pigs. My Belgian is not far behind. Supposed to cool 
off alot tonight and tomorrow, then warm by next week again. I guess last 
year for the deer hunting opener ( a huge event here, the kids even get off 
school, calling it " Harvest Day" ) they had 12 inch's of snow, and alot of 
folks had to be rescued off the mountian from it. So, we have been lucky so 
far, as our barn is ALMOST all up here, and will be put together in another 
2-3 weeks or so. 

    Ruthie, you asked about the barn.....well, in California we had no need 
for one, and I happend to find this one for sale just before we moved. It is 
a long, wooden barn that we are splitting down the center and having a raised 
breezseway put over the existing top. It will turn a 6 stall type, into a 12 
stall. ( 10 for horses, and a wash room and storage for harness/ buggys / hay 

  We had to dismantle it, and move it ourselves. Taking it down was not too 
bad, except we had to cut off all the corner fittings, as they were burried 
so deep that even a jack-hammer didnt move them. Putting it up wont be too 
bad either,  <VBG> but moving it has been a beast. Every board, and each 
section has made it up so far, and most of the roof. The extra pieces will 
make it up in 2 more trips and then BARN RAISING TIME !

     I looked into financing a barn but they are 30,000 to 45,000 for a 10 
stall. We decided to go with white vinyl fencing for our perimiter and also 
inside paddocks and round pen, so there went any extra funds for a barn. I 
paid 4,000 for our used barn in Calif.  and that worked for us. At least its 
paid for !   We shall see how it shapes up soon enough.   Next year, we will 
try and add inside stalls ( yep its wide open ) and finish the exterior with 
new paint.  This winter it will have pipe corrals inside with outside runs , 
so they can get in and out of the wind and cold, if they want. Alot of my 
herd is from Minnesota, and Kaiser's from Canada, so they have experienced 
winter before except those born in Disneyland. <ggg>  The colt, Valjo, is 
haired up like a walking rug....and seems to enjoy the cool mornings, running 
up and down his paddock with poor Kaiser, the " babysitter " trying to keep 
him contained. Kaiser is a gem, and like our Knute was, LOVES babys. Spends 
his day, herding around Valjo, and keeping him out of trouble.

    Been out with friends here who ride, and their horses are used to our 
carts now...the BLM land near us is driving heaven, and I plan on having a 
very fit pair for next year. Soft, powdery trails, wide and a million diff. 
ways to go.....deer, ect. makes it pretty nice !   I will miss the way that 
Norco, Ca. got my horses broke for street work though.....pretty quiet here 
when you get off of the streets ! 


Wanted to remind anyone who has or hasnt contacted me about the Meadowbrook 
cart, that it is going to Martins Auction TOMORROW Sat. to be consigned. I 
have a pic. of it to send by E-Mail, and its priced right to sell. All the 
extras, FJORD SZ. E-Mail me or call tonight if at all interested.  I am 
keeping the reserve high tomorrow, and still may have it after the auction, 
depends on how many people want to fight over a cobb sz cart, and how many ( 
? ) Martins may bring out.  Thanks for all the interest !   

    Please join PAV Aussie ( Jackie ) and I for Fjord chat every Sun. night 
at PetsandVets on the net. 9:00 Eastern time, horse room 1.  Alot of fun to 
live chat with other Fjord owners and we have a loyal following with many " 
once and awhile " drop ins......see you there !    

   Lisa Pedersen   PAV FJORDS
Cedar City, Utah / Norco, Calif. 


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