This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

In the last Digest, Marie Bolinski mentioned that she had never seen a
coyote riding.  Well, I'm not surprised, Marie, I never have either.  I
did know of one who was raised by my former dog trainer - he taught her
to retrieve.  She was great going out to get the bird, but he always had
difficulty with the "bringing it back to the handler, sitting, and
giving it to the handler" part.  We have lots of coyotes where we live,
and I love to hear their chorus at night.  I wonder what they're singing
about?  Does anyone know?

I'm excited and envious when I read about the wonderful adventures you
all are having riding and driving.  I seems that my learning curve is so
slow, and I wonder when/if  I'll be writing about those successes.  Oh
well, one day at a time.  At least we got the chips spread over the dust
bowl yesterday and now we'll find out how we do when the chips are
[Sorry, couldn't help myself}

Sonny is still on the mend.  We discovered that he is anemic, and are
now shoving a noxious fluid containing iron down him twice daily.  He's
become stoic about it.  What a little trooper!  It's nice to see him
contending with his big sister for the foodstuffs again.20

The new barn is nearly finished, but we're stalled [get it?] by the
stall fronts having arrived without feed doors or hardware.  I'm sure
we'll be in it before the Big Cold, though.  We'll be adding diamond
mesh or "no climb" to the panels for the babies and for Clark, the goat
formerly known as Prince, to stay in with Erlend.  They still are in the
honeymoon phase of their relationship - but it looks like they'll be
willing to make a committment to each other soon.

Have to go now, keep those adventures coming....Peg

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