This message is from: misha nogha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Okay Ladies, Alex, Gayle, Karen and Anne, all of you who encouraged me to
trace clip my horse and who are now yucking it up behind my back. What you
didn't add was the warning label. "Please note, trace clipping an already
peppy horse in the fall can have similar results to putting nitrous in your
fuel tank."

I should have known the other night, when my vet rode up on his horse and
said, "Nice racing stripes." Admittedly, Ingmar was a little chargey that
night, but I thought I would use that impulsion to get great trots, and
yes, even canters at the sidepass, wonderful extension, beautifully arced
20 meter circles, we finally got to bending together. All was going well
until I heard the instructor call for everyone to execute a clean, canter
depart. I thought, "Well perhaps he is a little chargey. but--well, maybe
that would  help us not take any extra steps. All was going well, we cued
up at the fence, until I felt this strange sinking sensation in Ingmars
haunches, as if an arrow might feel, notched in the string, and firmly and
quickly pulled back and up at some unknown target in the sky. I thought,
oh, don't forget the mental picture, but before it was fully formed, the
bowstring was released and Ingmar shot high into the air, came down in a
buck or two and headed out in a dead gallop around the tiny arena. The
arena wall seemed to come up fast as I attempted to sit back down,
(remembering my instructors advice, stay centered int he saddle), no
problemo, if I could find the darn thing. I thought perhaps Ingmar had seen
the wall of death show at some local fair where the guy in the Indian
motorcyle climbs the wall and circles sideways, through centrifical forces.
We did make an amazing 45 degree angle turn (smallish arena) and ended up
at a rapid canter instead of dead run. 

Through it all I could hear people saying, Wow, those Fjords can really go!

Next time I hope to demonstrate the Canter depart and not the gallop
depart. Wonder if I can glue that hair back on? 

Misha at Shota Fjords

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